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Local History

Page history last edited by Nora Kelson 10 years, 11 months ago

Local History


The text on this page is adapted from the article "THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) IN HAVERING" by Ian Hutchings which gives a detailed history of Quakers in general and in Havering. This is available to download here as a pdf document.


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In the early 1980s a tree was planted outside the Harold Hill Community Centre in Gooshays Drive.    It had a plaque next to it that read “ON THIS SITE STOOD ‘GOOSES’ WHERE GEORGE FOX, FOUNDER OF THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) STAYED IN 1689 AND 1690”    Recently members of the local Quaker group discovered that the plaque had been damaged, so they arranged for the tree to be tidied up and the plaque to be replaced.
‘Gooses’ is another name of the Manor of Goosehays, which in 1684 was bought by William Mead, George Fox’s son-in-law.    In his last few years, and in bad health as a result of eight imprisonments and many beatings, part of the relentless persecution that Quakers suffered in their early days, George Fox was pleased to be able to come and rest in this area.     Harold Hill was then a very pleasant country area, rising up to Noak Hill, on to Pyrgo Park, then to Havering Village and Bedfords Park. Most of this, in earlier times, had been the preserve of royalty.


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